Sep 12 2013

Allergy Season Still Going Strong

We have certainly seen a good “old fashioned” Minnesota summer this year. I am happy to report that we have seen very few heat-related conditions in our patients this summer, but the allergy season is still going strong. A lot of dogs are being seen for ear infections, skin infections, and the all too common “hot spot” skin lesions. Excessive licking at the feet, scratching at the ears, or signs of scaling and scab formation on the skin, may be indications of allergic dermatitis or a bacterial skin infection. Once these symptoms are seen, many times appropriate medical treatment is necessary to resolve the issue. Please give our staff a call should you have any questions about your pet.

After the close of the Minnesota State Fair, the inevitable fall season is close at hand. With the cooler evenings many of us are outdoors taking our pup for a walk, spending the evening at the lake, or working our hunting dogs on their conditioning and tuning their noses for the bird seasons ahead. It is important to be diligent in the use of proper application of the monthly flea/tick preventive measures appropriately prescribed for your pet through the month of November. We see a resurgence in tick activity in mid to late September often lasting well past the first killing frost. This prevention is most important for the dogs that venture into the grouse woods, spend time at the cabin in the fall months, or spend time walking around the tall grasses along walking trails or around our local lakes. Be sure to look your pet over thoroughly after every outing for any sign of tick activity.

The fall season is one of my most favorite times of year. With a little preventive care, we can keep our canine companions safe from the many tick-borne diseases that are all too common here in Minnesota. Also be sure to use appropriate tick repellant products on the humans in the family that follow the canines afield.

Until next time, have a great Minnesota fall season!

Dr. Jim Wood

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